• Content on Demand


    Responsible for the content:
    ruhlaSmart - a brand of:
    ruhlamat GmbH

    Management: Thomas Mack

    Sonnenacker 2
    99834 Gerstungen OT Marksuhl
    Phone: +49 36925 929 - 0
    Fax: +49 36925 929 - 111
    Email: info@ruhlasmart.com

    HRB 401145 Jena
    VAT ID No. DE150382006

    1. Property rights

    When using this website intellectual property of

    ruhlamat GmbH
    Management: Thomas Mack
    Sonnenacker 2
    99834 Gerstungen OT Marksuhl

    Tel.: +49 36925 929 - 0
    Fax: +49 36925 929 - 111
    Email: info@ruhlamat.de

    and its associated companies are to be observed. This is particularly applicable for information (text and image materials, music, graphics, animation, videos etc. ) and their arrangement on the website that are protected by copyright, and trademark rights. Duplication, dissemination, reproduction or transmission or other use is permitted without the written permission of ruhlamat GmbH.

    2. Hypertext links

    The ruhlamat GmbH website contains hypertext links to other websites. The ruhlamat GmbH is not responsible for compliance with data protection regulations on these websites and accepts no responsibility for it´s contents. A hypertext link to the website of ruhlamat GmbH may only be set by a third party after obtaining prior consent of our company. If you want to set up a hyperlink to our website, please contact us in writing beforehand.

    3. Accuracy of information

    The ruhlamat GmbH aims to ensure that the content of this website is free of errors and up to date. Generally all information on this website supplied without liability.

    4. Limitation of liability
    All equipment features and pictures that can be found on the website of ruhlamat GmbH are not binding. Although the website has been created with utmost care the ruhlamat GmbH can not guarantee the accuracy of information provided on the website. The ruhlamat GmbH is not liable for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence of ruhlamat GmbH. For slight negligence, ruhlamat GmbH is only liable in case of violation of a fundamental contractual obligation, whereby the level of compensation is limited to the foreseeable damages.

    5. Law
    The use of the website is subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. If you have any questions about the above instructions please send us an email to info@ruhlamat.de.

    Date: May 2015

    conception / design / realisation

    kartinka Werbeagentur
    Gotthardtstraße 21, 99084 Erfurt (Germany)

    Fon: +49 361 26 5 26 0
    Email: info@kartinka.de
    Kartinka Werbeagentur Erfurt