• Maintenance solutions

    Digital services - our tools
    for your production

    Our smart services

    Revolutionize your production with our digital machine services - efficient, intelligent, predictive

    Digital value-added services are additional services or functions that are based on digital technologies and offer added value for products or processes. Our focus is on providing you with tools and services that you can use to independently optimize your operating processes and make your company more successful.

    Predictive maintenance, Remote Maintenance and MachineHub

    These three pillars of our smart service portfolio offer you a comprehensive approach to plant management. From preventive maintenance to remote maintenance and real-time monitoring, our services are designed to put you in control of your equipment and help you work more efficiently and productively.

    ruhlaSmart MachineHub

    Our ruhlamat MachineHub is a revolutionary machine portal that allows customers to monitor the condition and performance of their machines in real time. With user-friendly dashboards and customizable alerts, the MachineHub provides a comprehensive solution for asset management.

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    Maintenance solutions
    Remote Maintenance

    Solve problems on your systems quickly and efficiently without us having to be on site. By using remote access technologies and expert support, we offer a fast response time and minimize the downtime of your systems.

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    ruhlaSmart Predictive Maintenance
    Predictive Maintenance

    Use the latest technologies to predict failures before they occur. With advanced analytics and data visualization techniques, we maximize the uptime of your equipment and minimize unplanned downtime.

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    Your machine maintenance at a glance

    ruhlaSmart Predictive Maintenance Planning

    Your benefits of a smart maintenance

    Increased efficiency

    Processes can be optimized and accelerated through digital services. This leads to an increase in efficiency in the maintenance and repair of machines, as service technicians can quickly access relevant information.

    Cost savings
    Cost savings

    Remote maintenance and predictive maintenance allow potential breakdowns to be detected and rectified at an early stage before they lead to major problems. This reduces the need for expensive emergency repairs and minimizes downtime, resulting in significant cost savings.

    Improved customer satisfaction

    A customer portal allows customers to easily access relevant information, make support requests and view the status of their machines. This improves communication and increases customer satisfaction.

    Optimized Maintenance
    Optimized maintenance planning

    Predictive maintenance uses data analysis to monitor the condition of machines and predict potential breakdowns. This enables more accurate planning of maintenance work as it can be carried out based on actual data and needs rather than a rigid schedule.

    reduction of downtime
    Reduction of downtime

    Remote maintenance allows technicians to diagnose and potentially fix problems remotely without the need for a physical presence on site. This can minimize downtime as problems can be quickly identified and resolved.

    Quality Standars
    Increased safety

    By continuously monitoring machines, potential safety risks can be identified and rectified at an early stage, improving the safety of operations and personnel.

    Get in touch with us

    For more information about our services or to discuss customized solutions for your machine, please contact us at any time. We are at your disposal to answer your questions and fulfill your requirements.

    Richard Stegmann

    Manager Digital Solutions
    Richard Stegmann